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Style: people

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio Rest During the Flight into Egypt oil painting picture wholesale

Rest During the Flight into Egypt
Painting ID::  319
1595-96 Galleria Doria Pamphili

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio The Cardsharps oil painting picture wholesale

The Cardsharps
Painting ID::  320
1595 Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio Medusa oil painting picture wholesale

Painting ID::  321
1590 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio The Sacrifice of Isaac oil painting picture wholesale

The Sacrifice of Isaac
Painting ID::  322
c1596 Barbara Piasecka Johnson Collection, Princeton, NJ

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio The Fortune Teller oil painting picture wholesale

The Fortune Teller
Painting ID::  323
1594-95 Musee du Louvre, Paris

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio The Sacrifice of Isaac_2 oil painting picture wholesale

The Sacrifice of Isaac_2
Painting ID::  324
1603 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio The Concert  The Musicians oil painting picture wholesale

The Concert The Musicians
Painting ID::  325
1595 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio Lute Player5 oil painting picture wholesale

Lute Player5
Painting ID::  326
1595 The Hermitage, St.Petersburg

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio St.Francis in Ecstasy oil painting picture wholesale

St.Francis in Ecstasy
Painting ID::  327
1595 Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut

Artist: Caravaggio
 Caravaggio The Annunciation oil painting picture wholesale

The Annunciation
Painting ID::  328
1609 Mus??e des Beaux-Arts, Nancy

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