Victory of the light over the darkness mk148
Mosaik,Aquileia,Italien(4.Jh.).Es symbolizes the victory of the orthodox church (rooster, that the light announces) over the Häretiker in the council v. Nizäa (Iznik, Turkey) 325 n. Chr. Painting ID:: 39435
unknow artist Victory of the light over the darkness mk148
Mosaik,Aquileia,Italien(4.Jh.).Es symbolizes the victory of the orthodox church (rooster, that the light announces) over the Häretiker in the council v. Nizäa (Iznik, Turkey) 325 n. Chr.
Jesus and the lost sheep mk148
Roman Sarkophag,4Jh.n.Chr.Jesus as good shepherd" a popular subject was already in the early christianity Painting ID:: 39437
unknow artist Jesus and the lost sheep mk148
Roman Sarkophag,4Jh.n.Chr.Jesus as good shepherd" a popular subject was already in the early christianity